Pe bazele fostului cerc de lecturi feministe, organizam o noua serie de intalniri in acelasi format. Grupul este dedicat exclusiv femeilor.
De data aceasta, textele au fost propuse de persoane care si-au manifestat interesul de a participa la aceste intalniri. Programul aproximativ al cercului de lectura va consta in lectura unei carti pe saptamana, in urmatoarea ordine:
….. 14 septembrie: Haruki Murakami, “Iubita mea Sputnik”
….. 21 septembrie: Gloria Anzaldua, coord., “Making Face, Making Soul/Haciendo Caras: Creative and Critical Perspectives by Feminists of Color” – selectii (June Jordan, “Where Is The Love?”; bell hooks, “Talking Back”; Chrystos, “Not Editable”; Trinh T. Minh-ha, “Commitment from the Mirror-Writing Box”; Pat Parker, “For the white person who wants to know how to be my friend”; Paula Gunn Allen, “Some Like Indians Endure”; Andrea R. Canaan, “Girlfriends”; Lynet Uttal, “Nods That Silence”; Maria Lugones, “Playfulness, ‘World’-Travelling, and Loving Perception”)
….. 5 octombrie: Virginia Woolf, “Orlando: A Biography”
….. 12 octombrie: Virginia Woolf, “A Room of One’s Own”
….. 16 octombrie: vizionare film “Orlando” (Sally Potter, 1992) si mini-party
….. 19 octombrie: Ariel Levy, “Either/Or: Sports, sex, and the case of Caster Semenya” si “Lesbian Nation: When gay women took to the road”
….. 26 octombrie: Frederique Delacoste & Priscilla Alexander, coord., “Sex Work” – selectii (“Introduction: ‘Les Putes Sont En Greve…'”; “The International Sex Workers Rights Movement”; “What Happens When You Are Arrested”; “Police as Pimps”; “Silence Again”; “The Right to Protection from Rape”; “Prostitution: Still a Difficult Issue for Feminists”; “The Social Consequences of Unchastity”; “Whisper: Women Hurt in Systems of Prostitution Engaged in Revolt”; “Coyote/National Task Force on Prostitution”; “The Red Thread: Whores’ Movement in Holland”)
+ lectura suplimentara: Laura Maria Augustin, “Sex at the Margins”
….. 2 & 9 noiembrie: Radclyffe Hall, “The Well of Loneliness”
….. 14 noiembrie: Party-potluck si vizionare de film
….. 16 noiembrie: Discussion around a suggestion for an anti sexist actionplan
….. 23 noiembrie: Elfriede Jelinek, “The Piano Teacher”
….. 30 noiembrie & 7 decembrie: Fadia Faquir, “Ma numesc Salma”
….. 14 decembrie: Sandra Lee Bartky, “Femininity and Domination: Studies in the Phenomenology of Oppression” – selectii (sectiunile 1, 3, 4, 7)
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– Oricine interesat(a) sa discute pe marginea existentei unui spatiu de discutii exclusiv feminin va avea ocazia sa participe la o intalnire in cursul lunii septembrie (mai multe detalii in curand).
va asteptam!