Miercuri 16 mai, ora 20.00 – Grup de discutii pe educatie si proiectie documentar “Etre et avoir”

Pentru urmatoarea intalnire a grupului de discutii despre educatie “Cum invatam si cum predam?” vom viziona filmul documentar Etre et avoir (Franta, 2002). Deoarece la cerc participa si lume care nu vorbeste limba romana, vom discuta in engleza. Detalii despre film in engleza, mai jos. Filmul va avea subtitrare in lb. engleza.

For the next meeting of the discussion group on education, we’ll watch Etre et avoir (“To be and to have”), a documentary film from a school in a rural area in France, where a single teacher manages to handle 13 children, aged from 4 to 12 years old, in a single class room, preparing them for higher classes but also for their lives. He uses alternative ways of teaching, excluding the classical one of “one teacher vs the whole class”. Using questions instead of answers, he succeeds in making the children use their mind to think and not to learn mechanically.

There will be English subtitles.
After the film, we will continue with discussions.

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